Monday, 19 June 2017


A much lighter blog today as I'm in England for my R&R. Beyond getting to see wonderful family and friends, here are some of the things I love about coming home:

  1. Flushing toilet paper down the loo rather than putting it in a bin.
  2. Not having to deal with a bin of dirty toilet paper.
  3. Green. You have no idea just how green England is compared to much of the world.
  4. Wall to wall carpet.
  5. Having a bath.
  6. The total lack of guns.
  7. Not seeing military personnel all over the place.
  8. All sorts of food - pork, prawns, fresh fish.
  9. Late sunsets.
  10. Being allowed to go where-ever I want when-ever I want.
  11. Not automatically doing currency conversions in my head every time I'm in a shop.
  12. The beach.
  13. Flowers.
  14. Weather - all the seasons in one day. 
  15. Drivers who use indicators and generally follow road markings.
  16. Using credit cards anywhere rather than having to remember cash.
  17. No check points.
  18. How quickly traffic lights change.
  19. People saying things like 'I'll just have a quick wee love'.
  20. BBC iplayer.

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