Saturday, 31 December 2016

For a while now, I've been considering how best to share about my life and work in Iraq. Whenever I post something on Facebook that shows the daily reality displaced people are facing, or send family and friends whatsapp messages with details of my work I'm reminded that people really do want to know what is happening. I also struggle to articulate myself when faced with questions like 'so how are things in Iraq now?' when I'm visiting people, meaning you often don't get much out of me. Selfishly, when I'm on a break from work, I do my best to switch off and relax.

I'm also very aware that I'm an internal processor - this can make my line of work incredibly emotionally stressful. Humanitarian work is recognised to be one of the highest stress vocations due to very long working hours, living away from home, dealing with distressing situations on a daily basis. We are often also living in insecure locations, with restrictions on freedom of movement and housed in team houses (think student house). For me, I hope this blog will be a bit of a stress valve - it will force me to reflect on my life and work, but will allow me to do that privately.

So for at least the next 6 months, my aim will be to post here once a week. I hope you enjoy it, and that it gives you at least a glimpse in to the other side of my life.